Social Charity Kitchen

– supporting those in need with love, dignity and respect –

home for all

Social charity kitchen in Lesvos Island – Greece

We deeply believe that everyone has the same right to be safe and free from hunger –  feel at home.  We run a free restaurant for poors and refugees providing lovingly prepared meals and a safe and caring place, where people can lay off their troubles

what we do

We share smiles, compassion, food and everything else we can offer. Our guests are often changing, depending on the needs on the island and how volunteers are available. Our programs are for ALL. Here is an oversight of the groups we serve on a regular basis

We serve food to unaccompanied minors and host activities for them, to give them a break from their everyday life inside the camp

Home for All is exclusive partner in supporting this very vulnerable group of refugees. Unaccompanied minors arrived on Lesvos without a parent or guardian, and are under 18 years old. They stay in supervised accommodations in the camp, and come to us with government security staff. We serve them food and create activities for them to give them a break from their everyday life inside the camp.

We welcome families to sit together – around a table – and enjoy a special meal cooked just for them.

At Home, it is our honor to be able to bring families out of refugee camps so they can sit together around a table and enjoy a special meal cooked just for them. One family we served contained 26 people – 3 generations, from 1 year old to 70 years old – all who share 2 tents inside Moria. We are supporting the custom of family dinner.

Women Only Dinners provide the space for many women to better express themselves

Some women, for cultural or personal reasons, are often not comfortable dancing and playing when there are men around. For this reason, we occasionally host a women’s only dinner, where they can sing and dance and break free of the pressures of daily life inside the camps.

One population often overlooked in social services is single men. Offering support, recreation, food, and care to this underserved population is important to us. Several times a week, our groups consist only of men from inside Moria, and connecting with them is central to the work we do.

As one of the first responders to this crisis years ago, we have made deep connections with volunteers from NGOs throughout the island. It is our pleasure to serve volunteers from other organizations in any of our facilities – we are all in this together. We often have multiple NGOs using our facilities every week for their own projects or simply to relax and have a meal with us.

If someone needs help, and we can help, we do. We have many friends in the community who help us, and we also help them. Food, clothes, emotional support, friendship – we are here. Currently, we prepare meals daily for homeless Greeks and provide a community center and internet cafe where all are welcome.

Home for All also supports,, church charities and a growijng network of organizations and individuals.  

Home for All prepares meals for underpriviledged and sensitive groups, that follow special diet needs or require any kind of focused attention.

We also provide assistance via other state, non-ptofit, charity organizations or individuals that seek our aid – in any way possible. We host cultural, recreational and educational events, we assist in tracking shelter and housing in Lesvos, Athens and Thessaloniki, along with paid work opportunities for the unemployed, especialy in our gardens. 

Nikos & Katerina

"If you can: help"

It was an early 2014 afternoon, when Nikos witnessed a raft of refugees washed in the shores of Lesvos and rushed to help. With his wife Katerina, cooked nearly 40 meals  and gathered clothes and other resources only to learn that the survivors were in state custody. 

Nikos and Katerina retreated to the beach, to reflect on the situation when another raft appeared. After helping the cold, scared, and wet refugees ashore, they were already ready to support them with blankets, clothes and 40 home-cooked meals.

reach out


Home for All, Dipi, Skala Sykountas, Lesvos 811 06 Greece


IBAN: GR4301107620000076200228708 (SWIFT/BIC: ETHNGRAA)


Phone: +306977202515 Email:

made with love in lesvos by omnifox creatives

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